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In over 20 years of pre-buying projects at script stage, Little Magic Films has built a global network of contacts. Through these long-standing relationships, Little Magic develops projects and collaborates in a creative capacity with filmmakers around the world. The company identifies and brings together the best combination of international financiers, partners and talent in order to facilitate production. Committed to originality that has a viable place in international markets, Little Magic seeks out properties for creative development and arranges financing for international co-productions. The company also selects and represents certain foreign properties and projects for English language remakes in Hollywood.


A unique hybrid company, rooted in both the US and Asia, Little Magic nurtures relationships that support the development of creative and business opportunities. Through these connections, filmmakers such as Roman Polanski, Quentin Tarantino and Christopher Nolan were able to pre-sell their films at script stage and thereby secure crucial production financing. 


Little Magic Films continues to collaborate with exciting filmmakers to bring films that are both innovative and entertaining to screens around the globe.


6500 Moore Drive

Los Angeles, CA 90048

tel/fax: 323 . 424 . 4822

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